Sunday, February 26, 2006


I am basically the Bode Miller of the knitting world.

Without the beer belly.

I'm finished with the gusset decreases on the second sock. That's all. SSS hit me bad, and it was hard to recover. It's like Bode on the giant slalom (or super-g) where he hit a gate and had to ski on one ski, and missed the other gate and left the course.
Right. I'm going to sneak out, defiantly and all that.

Before I do, though, I'd like to quote someone on the Team USA KAL yahoo group, who I admire.
"Congratulations to those of you who finished your projects and especially to all of you who dared to dream and cast on in the first place. You may not be winners, but you will always be Knitting Olympians and no one can ever take that away from you."

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