Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Score one for the obvious...

I guess I haven't quite realized it's 2008 just yet. So when I say Project Spectrum and link to the entry from a year ago, just know that I do mean the one with the elements and all.

I'm sitting here before going to class with a paper to write, a problem set to do, a program to make, and two tests to study for. And yet all I can think about is what I want to knit. I don't think I'm going to allow myself to knit until after all this, because I use it to procrastinate, and that would NOT be good at this juncture. So no knitting until the 23rd and then I'll start with my friend's glittens, which I am completely improvising and for which I have a pretty color chart of my own creation. (I'll probably fail at fair isle, but I figure I won't know until I try and I'm not going to tell myself that I can't do it just yet.)

Anyhow, the spinning goes slowly, as I use that similarly, as stress-relief or procrastination.

Oh well, off to class.

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