Saturday, August 25, 2007

Long Time No See...

It's been a while. Since my friend got a blog for her college life (basically so she can keep in touch with us...), I've decided to come back to blogger, at least for a while. Hmm.

So the knitting's been a bit sketchy. I mean, I finished an Odessa in all of 24 hours, minus sleeping time, and then I've been stuck on these socks for like forever. That would probably be because I ran out of yarn--OMG I now know exactly why everyone's like "buy enough! Make sure you buy enough!" I am NOT frogging and rationing the yarn. No sirree. Unfortunately for me, the yarn's discontinued. Fuck. >_< I guess I'm going to keep looking until I find it or something.......or ebay. haha.

Anyway, I also have not finished the scarf or anything like that.

I have spun up quite a bit of the alpaca I bought from NJ Sheep and Wool, and I plied it. 2-ply, because it's a bit thick for three-ply (now it's about regular worsted-thickness), and because I don't have the patience to spin up another batch. I'm now predrafting the rest, because it's actually a really nice fiber to spin...took a bit of practice at first, but the staple's like the perfect length and it's strong enough to be thinner than I'm necessarily comfortable with. And it's a beautiful color...a deep charcoal grey with lighter flecks. So soft, too. Not itchy, like regular wool.

Anyway, I am so bringing my fibery things with me to college. I packed most of my stash in these clear plastic bins with labels, and so it's easier to carry. Still quite heavy though. I figure the things I'm going to have most of in my room are going to be books and fiber. =_=;;

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